Wednesday, November 18, 2009

AOTL Time Change

Hey guys and dolls, we had to change the time for AOTL this Friday. Doors open at 8 and we'll run til 11. ARTISTS, you must have your stuff there by 6:00pm! Thanks and see you there!

Monday, November 9, 2009

A Sneak Peak at Art on the Loop IV

AOTL IV promises to have some great art! As the holidays approach, may we suggest you come here to do a little shopping? Along with ridiculously good coffee (be warned: it is highly addictive), mouth-watering baked goods and live music, you want to be sure to bring your cash to pick up original hand made items like you see here.

Cheri Walters hand sews these clutches in a several different patterns and colors. She also crochets hats and scarves, which I've already seen. Be warned. They won't sit around long.

Mikie Farias shoots like mad around town. His images are full of super saturated color and high contrast. Come and see!

Smad and Jorny's makes their third appearance at Art on the Loop! You never know what Tiffany will whip up this time. Come check out all the unique pieces of jewelry by Tiffany and others who will feature their stuff at AOTL.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Feeding the Hungry

This Art on the Loop will raise money and non-perishable food items to benefit The Silo Food Pantry, a local food bank for the less fortunate in New Braunfels.

Be sure to bring either a cash donation OR canned/boxed food to drop in the box on your way in! Thanks for sharing with those in need, and for coming out to support your local artists and musicians.