Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Art on the Loop Photos Part 2

As promised, I've posted more photos from AOTL--primarily our musicians. Above you see Aaron Brown, founder of Brown Coffee Company who served us his delicious and highly addictive brews throughout the night.

AOTL has had fantastic singers both times. Lindsey Hasbrouck played before so we welcomed her back enthusiastically.

Robert Eby opened the night with a selection of bagpipe songs. Robert plays professionally in Austin and even plays during worship at River City Vineyard occasionally.

Here you see my friend, Eunice, selling her delicious cupcakes. Man! They were out of sight!

Here's Chris Conde, from San Antonio, singing. I mentioned him in the last post but here are photos of him in action.

Last to wrap up the evening was Jona Alorda. Jona played last time and it's always a treat to hear him sing.

This concludes this month's event for Art on the Loop! Thanks for tuning in and we hope to see you at the next one.
Art on the Loop Smashing Success

Once again AOTL was a huge hit! We had at least the same number of folks come out and enjoy great art and great music! It was interesting to see it all come together (I won't tell you how nervous I was doing this without Mikie's help) especially since so many new people participated.

Here are just a few images from that night: artists mixing with the viewers, art work being sold (I picked up two really nice pieces myself) and I'll post pix of the musicians tomorrow (still working on all those photos!). Here's a shot of Ike Skinner, owner of Skinner's Fabrics, showing samples of his custom made furniture. His stuff was awesome!!

Thanks to all of you who spread the word to your friends and family. Our goal is to keep bringing quality, locally made art and music to you. We always need more events that are fun for the whole family and it's definitely affordable! Below you see Jake Rutherford and Benji Smith, two of our participating artists, with Scott Tjernagel, pastor of River City Vineyard Church.

We couldn't have pulled this off without this dynamic duo, Patrick and Ryan, seen here posing with the lovely Rachael Leifeste. They did all the sound checks for the musicians the day before and ran sound that night. I think I even saw Ryan running around with a push broom once; he was right on top of things that needed to get done! Thanks, guys.

Here are two lovely artists, Stacy Whitworth (far left) and Sarah Joy Mikolajczyk (2nd from right) with friends. New Braunfels really knows how to support its artists! Lots of friends came out to see what these girls have been doing.

My personal favorite act of the night: Chris Conde. He's 18 years old, a former "military brat" who's lived all over the world. He lives in San Antonio and I heard him open for All the Day Holiday at RCV Church about two months ago. He was amazing!! I literally begged him to play the next AOTL and he came through. Here's Chris with his fans who traveled from SA to hear him perform. You can hear Chris's music on myspace.

Check back for more photos of the musicians later! And keep your ears open for the next AOTL.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

AOTL Premiere Video

Hey all, here's a link to the video shot and produced by Mikie Farias, creator of Art on the Loop. Man, what an awesome time we had before! This month's event should be something special; we've got new artists, new musicians and a growing fan base.

Don't forget, DOORS OPEN at 6:00pm, music starts at 6:30pm. A can of food gets you in the door! All donations of food and cash go to support the local food bank. Guys, if you're in need of a great date night for your sweetie, THIS is the place to be!

See you there!

Friday, March 13, 2009

AOTL Update March 13

Hi again from the soggy, cold, south Texas town of New Braunfels. Here are two photos of some jewelry made by Jodi Abel, one of our artists who'll be featured at Art on the Loop.

Only a week away, we're still getting artists in to participate, and the word is getting out around town! Make sure to invite all your friends; it's going to be great!

AOTL is hosted by Northpoint Church, pastored by Brian and Sallie Leifeste, one of the coolest couples I know. They have graciously allowed us to use their facilities, located right off Loop 337 (behind New Braunfels Bible Church). Our last AOTL was so successful that they couldn't wait to host another one! Thanks, Brian and Sallie, for being so generous.

Above and below you see two canvas bags of mine that I've been painting to show at AOTL. Sarah Joy gave me the idea (ok so I totally copied her) when I was at her house, helping paint canvas bags for orphans in India. Yes, Sarah is that awesome of a person. She's traveled to India twice and makes art/jewelry to sell and sends the money back to India. Anyway, I was decorating bags for her when I thought it'd be neat to make more for AOTL. I think Sarah will have some of her own on display there, too.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

AOTL Update March 10

Ok we've got a few more artists registered for AOTL! Chris and Daniel will showcase some of their amazing craftsmanship. Here's a little bio from their website:

"Born in Germany, Chris and Daniel Sorbera were raised with the love of fine details and excellent craftsmanship, as is displayed in all their work. Everything they set their hands to do they do with tremendous enthusiasm and the desire to succeed.

Self taught, working for years honing their skills, asking advice from the masters, and acquiring the equipment they needed, they started building their first guitars. Other musicians that saw their work were amazed and inquired about having the Sorbera Brothers build them custom instruments for themselves. This was the birth of their business, Sorbera Guitars."

Below you see Sarah Joy's lovely and very artistic bicycle! Sarah had a fantastic display of photography, painting and jewelry at the last AOTL. I can't wait to see what she brings this time!

Keep registering, folks, and be sure to spread the word and get all your friends to Art on the Loop, MARCH 20 at 6:30!

Monday, March 9, 2009

AOTL Update! March 9, 2009

Howdy all! We've had 4 artists and 2 musicians sign up so far for AOTL II. Please remember that if you want to participate, it's $5 to reserve your spot! Here's one piece that will be on display: it's called "Freedom" and it's a photo montage by Benji Smith.
We also have the VERY talented Eunice Bez who will sell cupcakes and other pastries, so be sure to bring cash! You don't want to miss her sweet treats!

There's still plenty of time to register as an artist or musician. See the former entry for contact information.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Come one, come all to the 2ND Art on the Loop Event! Located just off Loop 337 in New Braunfels, Texas, AOTL is a community event open to the public. We are a family event! Featuring local artists and musicians, AOTL is the vision of local folks who love ART.

If you want to perform as a musician you need to contact Jona Alorda at or Matt Drake at

Artists, contact Rachael Hall at for information and Artist's Guidelines.

All artists and musicians must pay $5 to participate. Cash only please. Give it to Jona, Matt, Rachael or Natalie.

In the spirit of giving, AOTL has decided to sponsor a local cause: we'll collect canned goods (non perishable items) at the door or cash donations and deliver it all to our local food bank (sponsored by Tree of Life Church). Please give! That's how you get in the door.

There will be FREE COFFEE by Brown Coffee Co. so make sure you get a taste! They'll also have Brown Coffee t-shirts available.
DOORS OPEN at 6:00pm and music starts at 6:30pm. We go until 10:30pm.

Need more info? We're on Facebook, and you can email any of the people listed above.

Thanks for participating and we hope to see you there!